Thursday, May 22, 2014

What life is really like

Yeah, talk about a gap, jeez that was a long span of time. Wow. Anyway, I can drive and I'm employed, so much has happened to me, it's so exciting...kinda. I got my first really job as a concierge at Glacier National Park at the Lake McDonald Lodge. It is an amazing place to work. For my first couple days here I just spent wondering around (with people). I took a lot of pictures these are some of my favorite ones:

I've made some amazing friends since....that one post that was a long time ago. I was going to say since my last post, but my last post was just the other day. And then I forgot what day that was that I posted my long time ago post, so yeah. Anywho, as I was saying. So there's this one person named Rachel who became my bestest (yes not a word, using it anyway) buddy at Job Corps. She is oh so awesome, we share a lot of common interests and we have the same twisted sense of humor. There was one time before she left for the weekend, and we shared a room, that she left this really bad smelling fart in our room, so to get her back, I spread like three things of glitter all over her bed. Three people rolled around on her bed to cover themselves in glitter (and I literately mean roll) and there was still enough on her bed to send up clouds of glitter up when she sat down on her bed. All she could say was, wow. And then she tried to get me back with confetti and failed it was also not nearly effective. Her shit was covered in glitter until she left, she can probably find glitter on some of her stuff.

I was also engaged for a time, he's a really nice guy it just didn't work out. And I'd rather not go into detail about it, the people that matter to me know and that's all that need to know. He had that same twisted sense of humor me and Rachel had, and the three of us were all really close. I'm still really close with Rachel even though I haven't seen her in person in a while. And for a while I wasn't in touch with her all that well. But I talk to her all the time now, thank you facebook. And I made a few pretty close friends at Job Corps. Renee was one of them. Me and her could give each other shit all day long, and forever after that. She's a wonderful person, but don't let that fool you, she could knock you out in a second if you piss her off. She does have a lot of self control but still I'd watch it. There are so many things I have done and so many people I have met this post would never end if I named every one of them. I've filled my life with optimism and cool people. Which makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Oh here let me show you a couple of the conversations me and Rachel have had online.

Me: yeah, I sent her an e-mail. But she's probably camping and doesn't have internet
Rachel: oh so is she staying there the weekend
Me: Around here somewhere, yeah
Rachel: Nice
Me: Yeah, I bet it's going to be cool......and dark.....and beary
Rachel: Lol yes beware da bear....s
Me: Yeah, Bryce bought me bear spray
Rachel: Lol nice
Me: Yeah, he even told me not to leave it in my car or it might explode
Rachel: Yea...........You have a car?
Me: Kinda, I acquired the old rusty truck
Rachel: Who cares if its old and rusty if it runs its good
Me: I can't drive it that well. It's a stick shift and I learned in a automatic
Rachel: Ah well than tis not hard to learn manual you can do it i have faith in you padawan
Me: I learned just fine, I still am crappy at driving it.
Rachel: Just practice. Did you take it with you up there?
Me: No, I drove down here with my moms car. But I do have the chance of having it brought down here for me.
Rachel: Oh nice. Was the drive pretty
Me: Yeah It was really nice
Rachel: Ah i want your job
Me: Well you could apply next year, it's not hard to get a job here
Rachel: Not a bad idea. Do you know the website i go on to to apply
Me: Yes Zanterra, I'm sure if you type it into Google you'll find it
Rachel: Okay sank you
Me: No problem
Rachel: Is your job all year or just seasonal cause it would be cool if we worked together
Me: Seasonal. But I'm thinking I might come back next summer. And if your here I definitely would
Rachel: Yes okay my goal get job with you there next year and fuck shit up. Not really but still
Me: Yeah that would be totally cool, me and you causing trouble
Rachel: Fuck yea drink booze fuck bitches....Not really we would probably explore and play video games but still fuck yea
Me: Goof
Rachel: Damn straight
Me: Fuck yeah
Rachel: Fuck yeah virtual high five
Me: Yeah, (slaps your virtual forehead because I missed the virtual high five) or did I
Rachel: Dude virtual mind blown
Me: At least all this stuff is virtual
Rachel : Totally cause it would be a bitch to clean brains
Me: Yeah, I feel sorry for the virtual maids can you imagine all the virtual brain matter they have to clean up all the time
Rachel: I know hopefully they get paid a reasonable amount or at least compensated for cleaning up virtual brains
Me: Yeah, I sure hope so
Rachel: Yeah I wonder if they have ever gone on strike
Me: Probably, you know those times when you internet is acting unreasonably slow
Rachel Williams: Huh never thought about it but yea it makes sense now
Me: I totally need to save this conversation
Rachel: Lol totally

And that's just a tiny little sample of some of the random shit we talk about. I mean come on virtual brain matter. Can you get any weirder? Probably and we've probably done it. This is one of those conversations that could land me in the mental institute. Or at least next door to the metal institute. Probably just a few blocks down.

Anyway so today, I tried my darnest to do this hike with some friends from Glacier today. But me being the dummy I am, tried to do one that was way to hard for how in shape I am, which is by the way, NOT AT ALL. So I tried to kill myself by going to far and this lovely lady.

Saved me, and took me all the way back to my dorm to make sure I didn't die. Denen I do so much appreciate that. I think I'm going to cut this post off there, so it doesn't get too long. I'll write again soon, hopefully.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Simple Things

Simple things, that's what always gets to me. Even though people look past it, it's the simple things that count in the long run. Just the simple things. It's not about making sure all you're friends are perfect or making sure they're true. Or to surround yourself with only the best people. You make friends and you lose friends. Some may stay your friend awhile and some may and up hating you and some may just make other friends and drift away. You fall in love and you get your heart broken. Maybe you'll find that perfect someone and if you do then good for you.

It's the simple things that get us by. Like the smoothie a friend makes for you.Or being introduced to something completely new whether you end up liking it or not. Or the fact that someone can make you laugh just by counting. Or that one small moment that you comfort someone because they need it or being comforted because you need it. Or getting goose bumps over a song that comes on the radio because it's making you emotional. Or getting teary eyed because a commercial has a horse in it (you know who you are). Or knowing exactly what someone means when they can't seem to find the words to finish there statement. Or the simple joy of watching your dog prance happily across the yard after something random they had seen. Or sitting on the back porch with your 94 year old relative and enjoying the summer sun and listening to the birds sing. Or listening to all the stories people remember of you when you were small. Or sitting down with a family member and going through an old photo album and listening to them tell of the various pictures. Or getting one small thing done and feeling great about it. Or getting lost in a conversation with someone for hours that really goes nowhere. Or a best friend that you haven't talked to in a while that still loves you. Or getting your first job. Or meeting new people who love everything you love. Or that one person you always notice out of the corner of your eye even though you don't mean too.

Simple things, hope, love, kindness, admiration, laughter, music, magic.

People say that magic doesn't exists, and I say to them, that they have no imagination. If someone can write words onto a page and make people got into a completely different world, how is that not magic? Of a song can make you smile or cry, how is that not magic? If an actor can delve so deep into a character that we see them that way on a TV screen, how is that not magic? I write, that's my magic, and I'll keep it, and share it with the world someday. But for now, I'll let the simple things get me by.